No, our unit is not septic. Unlike a septic tank, a biological treatment plant cleans the water in accordance with the regulations and thus allows us to reuse this water.

It is an alternative to the sewage network, the biological treatment unit cleans the sewage biologically, with the help of bacteria, without the help of any chemical additives. There are both industrial and domestic biological treatment plants.

It is necessary to know how many permanent residents the building for which we are choosing a device is designed for. The number of people means the number of permanent residents. In addition, it is desirable to know the exact cubic meter of water used in the presence of a meter.

Small purifiers intended for private homes do not require a permit for installation, it is possible to directly purchase our unit. However, all projects are individual and therefore it is recommended to consult with our team.

Any additional intervention from you in the work process, such as adding bacteria, replacing filters, etc. it is not necessary. Our units only require shoveling/pumping of excess sludge 2-3 times a year. Sludge is odorless, dark in color, and visually similar to wet soil, and can be used as a fertilizer for non-food plants.

Yes, it is possible for various industries, eg:

●Fish processing factories;
●Dairy production factories;
●Beverage manufacturers;
●Metal processing plants;
●Railway tank cleaning companies;
●Animal feed manufacturers;
●Production of canned foods;
●Sausage manufacturers;
●Meat processing plants;
●Oil extraction companies;
●Chemical and paint manufacturers;
●Manufacturers of food supplements;
●Wood processing companies;
●Textile manufacturers;
●Alcoholic beverage factories;
●Brewery companies;
●Meat drying workshops;
●Poultry meat producers;
●Paper producing companies;
●Pharmaceutical production companies;
●Manufacturers of construction materials;
●Manufacturers of agricultural products, etc.

The quality of water purification meets the requirements of both Georgia and Europe.
